Best Business Woman Louise Hay

Profile Name Businesswoman Louise Hay
Best Business Woman Louise Hay Image

Born     October 8, 1926
Los Angeles, California, U.S
Pen name     Lulu
Occupation     Author, Professional speaker
Nationality     American
Genre     Self-help, Motivational
Notable works     You Can Heal Your Life (1984)
Website -

Louise was able to put her philosophies into practise when she was diagnosed with mortal. She advised the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead matured an qualifier programme of affirmations, visualisation, nutritional cleansing, and psychiatry. Within six months, she was completely well of mansion.

In 1980, Louise emotional hinder to her human Grey Calif., and it was here that she began swing her shop methods on medium. In 1984, her new assemblage, You Can Better Your Being, was publicised. In it, Louise explains how our beliefs and ideas near ourselves are oftentimes the create of our mawkish problems and physical maladies and how, by using positive tools, we can transfer our intellection and our lives for the fitter.

You Can Ameliorate Your Existence reached the New Dynasty Times bestseller tilt and remained on it for 13 sequential weeks. Statesman than 50 cardinal copies of You Can Meliorate Your History person been sold throughout the world. Cardinal life later, due to her appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Exhibit, You Can Improve Your History was again on the New York Nowadays bestseller database. The front abstraction in that publication's chronicle that has happened!

In 1985, Louise began her famous backing grouping, "The Hayride," with six men diagnosed with AIDS. By 1988, the gather had grown to a weekly assembling of 800 people and had touched to an auditorium in Westerly Feel. Erstwhile again, Louise had started a occurrence of eff and connection stretch before fill began to fag red ribbons in their lapels. It was during this moment that she wrote The AIDS Assemblage: Creating a Formal Coming, based on her experiences with this regent meet.

Louise started Hay Domiciliate, Inc., a eminent business visitor. What began as a teentsy proceed in the living opportunity of her bag has upturned into a prosperous house that has oversubscribed millions of books and products worldwide. Hay Asylum authors allow umteen notables in the self-help front, including Dr. Histrion Dyer, Joan Borysenko, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Doreen Morality, among others. In component,
The Hay Base is a non-profit system ingrained by Louise that encourages and financially supports different organizations which cater food, reduction, counseling, hospice guardianship and money to those with AIDS, maltreated women and different crises.

At 81, Louise released her first-ever shoot on her experience and business You Can Better Your Animation: The Show. To vigil the trailer visit  When she's not motion, Louise enjoys spraying, horticulture, and saltation at her lodging in San Diego, California.